NEBOSH is now accepting accreditation enquiries
Demand for NEBOSH qualifications continues to grow and we have learners taking examinations in over 130 countries. If you are interested in delivering NEBOSH qualifications, you must become an accredited NEBOSH Learning Partner. When you become an accredited Learning Partner you will benefit from expert advice, support and resources enabling you to deliver globally relevant and respected qualifications for your learners. As well as being able to promote your courses on the Where to Study section of our website, you will get your own NEBOSH Learning Partner logo and access to a selection of tailored marketing materials.
Submitting an accreditation enquiry is the first step in becoming an accredited NEBOSH Learning Partner.
If you wish to become accredited to deliver NEBOSH qualifications, you must meet the following criteria:
- You must be able to demonstrate that you meet the requirements of each of the six NEBOSH Learning Excellence Principles at Silver level or above. NEBOSH no longer accredits new Learning Partners at Bronze level. Please read the NEBOSH Learning Partner Programme document (below) for details of the six NEBOSH Learning Excellence Principles.
- You must have qualified, experienced tutorial staff in place. As a minimum you must have a Lead Tutor and Internal Assessor (where applicable) in place for each qualification you intend to deliver. Please read the Tutor-Assessor criteria document (below) for details of the requirement per qualification.
- It is your responsibility to develop or licence suitable course materials for any qualification you intend to deliver before your application is submitted. Course materials and publications can be licenced from NEBOSH or other Learning Partners, making it easier to offer NEBOSH qualifications. The materials developed by NEBOSH consist of a tutorial pack including slides which you can tailor to your requirements, sample lesson plans and one copy of the course book. Please click here for more details.
- Should your enquiry progress to a formal accreditation application there is a non-refundable application fee. If your application is successful there will be an additional fee to cover the cost of a validation visit to your premises. Please read the NEBOSH Learning Partner fees list (below) for details of the accreditation fees per qualification.
- There is a minimum advance payment of registrations to be agreed on a case-by-case basis with your Business Development Manager. You must make payment for these registrations at the point of accreditation. This payment is non-refundable; if you do not deliver the required number of registrations NEBOSH will retain this payment. The cost will be calculated against the qualification applied for with the lowest registration fee. NEBOSH reserves the right to terminate the accreditation of any Learning Partner which does not deliver the required number of registrations in the first year of accreditation.
Before submitting an enquiry, you should download and read the following documents.
- Tutor Assessor criteria
- Tutor CV and Checklist
- NEBOSH Learning Partner Programme
- NEBOSH Learning Partner Fees list (version 30) - a new fees list will be applicable from 01 April 2025; NEBOSH Learning Partner Fees list (version 31).
- Becoming a NEBOSH Learning Partner Guide
- NEBOSH Study Modes
If you have any questions or would like to discuss options before completing your initial application, please contact [email protected].
Alternatively, you may wish to explore the possibility of your organisation becoming a Corporate Learning Partner and delivering in-company training for employees; Corporate Services. If this is something you would like to discuss, please contact [email protected].