I hope that I have shown my children that they can go for every available opportunity open to them!

Case Study: Bethany Marmoy-Haynes

Bethany Marmoy-Haynes, Health and Safety Consultant at JEM Safety Management Limited gives an insight into how she managed to study for her NEBOSH Diploma whilst raising a young family. Bethany also shares the advice she would give to anyone who is interested in taking a NEBOSH Diploma.

I can see that before making the switch to health and safety you worked in communications and media. What made you change your career path?

My father influenced my decision to start a career in health and safety. He is a health and safety consultant with his own consultancy firm, and I grew up in a very safety-conscious environment. In fact, by the age of seven, I already knew how to safely operate a fire extinguisher! With both of my parents in the industry, health and safety were familiar concepts to me from a young age.

In my previous line of work, I felt slightly underutilised and bored. I realised that moving into a field that I had both knowledge and passion for would be ideal. I still use some of the skills acquired in my previous role. For example, I help to run the company's social media sites and create engaging and accessible presentations for training to enhance the learning experience of our clients.

You have worked for JEM Safety Management Limited since 2018, when you first became an Associate Health and Safety Consultant. Can you tell us about the company?

JEM Safety Management Limited is a small, dedicated consultancy firm that provides practical support to help ensure the health and safety of our client’s employees. Our customers range from large multi-site organisations with thousands of staff, to small businesses with just a handful of employees. Our personalised approach and commitment to continuous improvement are at the heart of everything we do.

Since joining JEM, I have been fortunate to have been mentored by our director who is incredibly knowledgeable. I learnt invaluable lessons and gained skills that have helped me progress in my career by shadowing him during my first year. I am grateful for his guidance and support, which have been instrumental in my professional development at JEM.

What made you decide to study the NEBOSH National Level 6 Diploma for Occupational Health and Safety Management Professionals?

Being in the health and safety industry can be quite competitive and obtaining the NEBOSH National Diploma felt like the logical choice for my career. My manager encouraged me to take this step, recognising the value it would bring to my professional development, the consultancy I worked for, and our clients. I knew the content of this prestigious qualification would enhance my ability to provide the best health and safety advice and solutions. It is highly regarded in the industry, and I felt completing it would give me the confidence and competence to assist clients effectively.

How did you find your studies whilst juggling work and a young family?

Balancing studying with personal commitments was challenging at times. I faced the daunting task of preparing for two unit assessments while pregnant with my second child, with the interview for one taking place shortly after she was born. I am incredibly fortunate to have understanding managers who supported me throughout this demanding period. They ensured I had dedicated time each week to focus on my studies and allowed me to work from home in the run up to the assessments.

Beyond the workplace support, my family played a crucial role. They provided additional support on weekends and evenings, allowing me to dedicate uninterrupted time to study.

I also benefited from the resources provided by my learning partner, RRC. Their comprehensive materials and online forums gave me lots of information and support.

Throughout my studies, I've felt a deep sense of pride that I am demonstrating to my two daughters that it's possible to balance family life and a successful career. I hope that by showing my girls that I can achieve a diploma whilst working, raising them, and managing the other demands of day-to-day life it will give them motivation and confidence as they grow up, to go for every available opportunity open to them.

How has securing the NEBOSH Diploma helped you?

Having the NEBOSH Diploma has transformed my career. In the last six months I have been promoted to Health and Safety Consultant, I've received a pay rise and have been given a substantial boost in confidence. My manager now has more trust in my knowledge and abilities and has given me greater freedom and responsibility. Achieving my Diploma has allowed me to have my own clients and has opened numerous career options and opportunities.

While I am exceptionally loyal to my current employer, the NEBOSH Diploma has undeniably made me more 'employable' elsewhere. The combination of five years’ experience and a NEBOSH Diploma is a strong asset on any Health and Safety Consultant's CV. It shows potential employers that I have a solid foundation of knowledge and practical skills, making me a valuable candidate in this competitive job market. Looking ahead, my next steps include pursuing a master’s degree in safety and risk management, which will further enhance my expertise and open even more doors.

Overall, the journey to obtaining my NEBOSH Diploma has been challenging but incredibly rewarding. It has given me an advanced understanding that has not only boosted my confidence but has also empowered me to provide expert advice and make informed, proactive decisions when interacting with clients. One of the key gains from this level of study is the ability to articulate the reasoning behind safety measures, particularly in relation to legislation, which helps with client confidence.

I suppose if I had to sum up what I had gained from my Diploma studies I would say it has not only advanced my career but has also given me the knowledge and confidence to excel in my role.

Can you tell us about your roles and responsibilities as a Health and Safety Consultant?

Certainly! As a Health and Safety Consultant, my responsibilities encompass a wide range of activities aimed at promoting safety and compliance in both workplace and home-based settings. I conduct comprehensive risk assessments and provide tailored solutions to mitigate these risks.

I audit, monitor, and review workplace practices in accordance with Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidelines, to ensure ongoing compliance. I assist companies in meeting regulatory standards set by entities such as the HSE, the Fire Brigade, and the Environment Agency, and support them in obtaining key accreditations like SafeContractor, CHAS, and ISO14001.

Mentoring clients in managing their health and safety hazards is another crucial aspect of my work, alongside providing expertise in business continuity management and emergency planning.

What advice would you give to someone that is looking at studying the Diploma?

If you choose to pursue a degree or an equivalent level qualification like the NEBOSH Diploma, my advice would be to have confidence in yourself and your decision. It's important to be committed and dedicated to your studies, as the workload can be quite substantial, especially when working on assessments with tight submission deadlines.

Here are a few tips based on my experience:

  • Time management: Ensure you give yourself sufficient time and opportunities to study effectively. This may involve balancing studies with work or other commitments. Planning your study sessions and setting aside dedicated time each day or week can help you stay on track.
  • Break it down: The NEBOSH Diploma syllabus covers a wide range of topics. It can seem overwhelming at first, but breaking down the material into manageable sections and focusing on one question or topic at a time makes it more manageable.
  • Preparation: I recommend that you have prior experience or a relevant certification in health and safety before pursuing the NEBOSH Diploma.
  • Focus on understanding: The NEBOSH Diploma requires a deeper understanding and application of health and safety concepts. Take the time to understand the rationale behind safety measures and how they relate to legislation and best practice.
  • Seek support: Utilise available resources, such as study materials, online forums, and support networks. These can be a source of valuable insights and help clarify any questions or challenges you may encounter during your studies.

It is also important to remember the long-term benefits that can follow achieving the NEBOSH Diploma, as this can help you stay on track. From my experience, it enhances your professional credentials and opens doors to advanced career opportunities in health and safety.

What advice would you give to anyone who aspires to achieve similar heights in their health and safety career?

Understanding the business and industry you operate in is crucial for providing valuable and relevant services. By gaining comprehensive knowledge of your field, you can better anticipate trends, challenges, and opportunities, so that you ultimately deliver positive outcomes for your clients and customers.

Respect the expertise of other professionals you encounter who may have more in-depth knowledge of specialised subjects. Collaboration and mutual respect can lead to more effective solutions.

The work you do can be inherently risky, so it's essential to be confident in your knowledge while also recognising and respecting your limitations. It’s perfectly acceptable to not know everything. When faced with a knowledge gap, take it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Seek out information, consult with experts, and continuously expand your understanding.

In consultancy roles, building a rapport with clients is essential. Trust and respect are the foundation of a successful client relationship.

Continuing professional development is important in maintaining and enhancing your expertise. Engage in activities such as listening to webinars, attending conferences, or participating in short courses. Staying updated with the latest legislation changes, trends, technologies, and best practices ensures that you remain at the forefront of the industry.

What do you enjoy most about being a health and safety professional?

I truly enjoy the diverse nature of my work and the wide range of clients I serve, from busy construction sites to prestigious corporate banks. It's incredibly rewarding when I make a difference to a client, such as when I assist them in achieving important accreditations or status upgrades. The satisfaction I get from knowing I've made a positive impact on my clients' operations is immense.

The variety in my job keeps it exciting. One day, I might be out in the field, engaging in hands-on activities, and the next, I could be at my desk, planning and writing reports. This dynamic workflow keeps the days fresh and engaging. Additionally, the continuous learning opportunities in my role keep me motivated and enthusiastic as there's always something new to discover.

As a young woman in an industry that is still evolving in terms of gender diversity, I take pride in bringing a fresh perspective. I am passionate about challenging and breaking down the stereotypes associated with this field, often referred to as the ‘the grey suits with red tape’. By contributing my unique viewpoint and energy, I aim to inject new dynamics into the industry and pave the way for greater inclusivity and diversity.