‘Protecting workforce’ is key benefit of health and safety training

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

HSE CONNECT, the Health and Safety Executive’s flagship event of the year, attracted people from across Great Britain to its fully booked 2019 event.

As one of the event sponsors, NEBOSH had the opportunity to ask delegates about the attributes they value in health and safety training and the benefits it brings to their business.

82% of our survey respondents said that protecting their workforce was the key benefit of health and safety training in their organisation. This was closely followed by ‘ensuring compliance’ (77%) and ‘improved performance’ (73%).

It’s the human and organisational priorities such as these that NEBOSH uses as the foundation to the development of all of its qualifications so that they deliver real benefits in the workplace.

But what do employers and aspiring practitioners look for when choosing their training? 91% of respondents told us that ‘relevance’ and ‘quality’ was either the most or a very important factor to them. Further, 77% of people rated ‘reputation’ as the most or a very important factor in choosing their health and safety training.

Ian Taylor, NEBOSH Chief Executive, said “I was encouraged to see the results of this survey as it reflects many of the attributes that we value.

“Here at NEBOSH we’ve built a reputation for relevance and high quality in all of our qualifications; we work closely with employers and organisations across the world to ensure NEBOSH learners gain the skills they need to protect and preserve their colleagues back in the workplace. That’s why over half a million people have chosen to achieve a NEBOSH qualification since our inception in 1979 and why nearly 9 in 10 employers ask for our qualifications (read more) when recruiting to a health and safety position.”